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Photos Showing How People Lived Long Ago
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Words from God
Women gather by this village well to fill their pitchers in the evening. It is still a meeting-place for the discussion of daily affairs, a civic centre, as in the time of Deborah (Judges v,11). An early photograph..
Beduin children learning in the traditional way, seated round their teacher, writing on slates. An early photograph..
This shepherd boy pipes to his flock, playing tunes from a tube with punched fingerholes. An early photograph..
Meals are eaten seated round a common dish. Sometimes they dip a crust of bread into the food if this is of a soft or liquid nature - such as curded milk or broth.. Pieces of meat or portions of savoury rice are scooped out of the platter with the fingers
The Childrens Book - History events ERA:4030BC-1680BC
The Childrens Book - History events ERA:1680BC-1451BC
Childrens Book -ERA 1451BC-1407BC
Childrens book - History events ERA:0001BC-0030AD
Childrens Book Era 0030AD -0096AD
Photos Showing How People Lived Long Ago
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